Legal Notice

Use of this Website is subject to the terms and conditions set out below. By using this Website you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Do not access this Website if you do not agree to these terms and conditions.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Any information which is made available on this Website is provided in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland. Any dispute arising in relation to this Website this will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Ireland.


The contents of this Website are provided for information purposes only. It has been prepared in good faith by ffh Management Services (“ffh”), however, ffh does not provide any warranty or undertaking of any kind as to its accuracy and will accept no responsibility to you or any third party as a result of any errors or omissions or your reliance on the information contained on this Website. In no event shall ffh be liable for any damages of any nature whatsoever, including but not limited to, direct or indirect, special, consequential or loss of profits, howsoever arising, as a result of your use of this Website and/or reliance on the contents of this Website. This Website may contain errors or inaccuracies and any user who accesses this Website does so at their own risk.


ffh may amend the contents and information contained on this Website at any time and without notice.


ffh owns retains and reserves the copyright and all other rights in this Website, however, individual sections of the site may be printed or downloaded solely for personal or private use. It is not permitted for any person to further copy, transmit or reproduce any of the contents of this Website without the express written permission of ffh.

Third Party Links

Where ffh provides third party links on this Website it does not in any way control the contents of such websites and is not responsible in any way for them. By providing a link to a third party website, ffh does not endorse or verify the contents of such website and users access these at their own risk.

Privacy Notice

Collection and use of personal information

ffh Management Services (“ffh”) respects your right to privacy, and will not collect any personal information about you through this Website in the absence of your clear permission.

Personal information that you volunteer to provide to ffh is treated with the appropriate standards of confidentiality and security, in accordance with applicable Data Protection legislation.

Job Applications and CVs

By submitting your curriculum vitae and other personal data to us (whether directly or via a recruitment company), you permit the collection and use of your personal information as outlined below and you signify your agreement to this Privacy Notice.

If you do not agree with these terms, you should not submit your curriculum vitae or other personal data to us.

Your personal data

ffh will process applications for employment (including cover letters, curriculum vitaes, references, educational certificates and details such as name, address, telephone number, email address, gender and date of birth) that you submit, in accordance with our recruitment process and our responsibilities as the data controller. ffh will not use the data you submit to us for any other purpose.

ffh may also collect personal data about job applicants from publicly available third-party sources, such as social media profiles.

Purpose of and legitimate interests for processing

We process the information provided by you or obtained from publicly available third-party sources in order to evaluate your suitability for our vacant position and to create a short-list of candidates to call for interview. This processing is conducted in the pursuit of our legitimate interests in recruiting for our vacant position.

Disclosure of your information to other people

ffh does not disclose personal data received from job applicants to any third party unless we have your express permission or we believe the law permits or requires it.

Retention period

ffh shall destroy the job application and related personal data of unsuccessful job applicants within 3 months of receipt of the job application, subject to your rights as set out below. The job application and related personal data of successful job applicants will be retained for the duration of their employment with ffh and for a further 6 years from the end of such employment.

Your rights

At any time, you can request access to all the personal data that we hold about you. We will provide this information to you as soon as we are reasonably able and may request payment of a small administrative charge.

You may inform us of any changes in your personal data and we will update or delete your personal data accordingly. You may also object to or restrict the processing of your personal data by ffh.

We confirm that ffh does not engage in the automated processing of personal data received.

The Compliance Officer is responsible for data protection at ffh.  If you wish to exercise your rights as described above, please write to: Compliance Officer, ffh Management Services Limited, 25 – 28 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2; or email:

Complaint process

If you are unhappy with how ffh has handled your personal data, you have the right to make a complaint to the Data Protection Commissioner, Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, Canal House, Station Road, Portarlington, Co. Laois.

Changes to Privacy Notice

Our Privacy Notice may change from time to time and any changes to the notice will be posted on ffh’s website.


This website uses Google Analytics in order to help analyse how visitors use this site. Google Analytics utilises “cookies”, which are small pieces of data sent from this website and stored on your computer in order to collect standard internet browsing information and behaviour anonymously. The information collected may include IP address, computer operating system and browser type used. Google Analytics can also record how long you are on this site, how you got here, whether you have been on the site previously and what links you click on. This is statistical data only and does not personally identify the individual user.

The information gathered is used by Google to compile reports on user preferences and behaviours which help us to optimise our website. This information is not personally identifiable information and cannot be used to identify who the user is.

Users have the option to object to the collection of their data by Google Analytics using the “opt-out” tool which is available here

Further information regarding Google Analytics is also available here